What is Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy?
- Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy is an advanced natural therapy that employs the latest understandings in Western scientific physiology and psychology with a unique type of touch that enhances our body’s own ability to settle, self-regulate and repair.
- Biodynamic Craniosacral therapy acknowledges the whole person and the inter-play and inter-connections of our physical, emotional and mental health. The therapy’s work is experienced within the body.
- The Biodynamic Craniosacral therapist is trained to create a calm and still relational presence; the work uses gentle, non-invasive hand holds. Particular to Biodynamic Craniosacral therapy is a shift away from a bio-mechanical model, there is no manipulations or pressure applied.
- The type of presence and touch created enables you to feel a deep state of repose and safety that supports slowing down both physiologically and psychologically. This integral part of the therapy gives opportunity for your brain to switch from flight or fight to rest and repair.
- Practitioners generally work with a wide range of health concerns, acute and chronic. The therapy whilst profound is gentle which allows it to be used during pregnancy, after childbirth with newborns, young children and elderly.
- This therapy can be effective for decreasing anxiety, stress and helpful for maintaining health and well-being.

Origins of Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy
Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy’s foundational influences stem from the understandings of the Osteopath Dr William Sutherland and the later understandings of osteopaths such as Drs Jim Jealous DO and James Becker DO.
In 1986 Dr Franklyn Sills DO with colleagues such as Dr Clare Dolby DO established Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy as a professional therapy in its own right and began to teach the work to non-osteopaths